These are the projects I have been worked on in my digital imaging class. I have to do a lab on Tuesday doing all the effects using just one photo. Thursdays' assignments are doing the same effects practiced on Tuesday but on many photos with a connected theme. I hope you enjoy my amateur efforts.

(Above: This is consists of six different effects. Starting from the top left: the guitar has a double glow; top right: The baby's head has been moved in front of the type; middle left: The picture of the girls is inserted into the picture of the computer, as well as being the background; middle right: the guitar has a fade away reflection; bottom left: (disclaimer: the bottle is not my picture) The product is used as the background as well as the focal point; bottom right: I blended my photo into a black background at the bottom.)

(Above is a lab for shadows. Top left: cast shadow; top right: a post-it note; bottom left: a polaroid effect; bottom right: a soft lighting effect)

(Above is another lab. Top: I added a brushed metal effect on the bottom; Middle: Photo tinting; bottom left: I added a different reflection to the sunglasses; bottom right: I added a different pattern to the car seat)

(Above: This is a lab for a dvd menu. There is pattern that I made with the paws. I tinted the photo. I added depth using glow and drop shadows. I then I made a vignette.)

(Above is the assignment that uses the same effects as the sunglasses lab; Brushed metal, tinting, reflections and a pattern overlay. The pattern overlay is hard to see because it is on the baby's car seat.)